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The MIZZ BILOBA Collection

Ahhh! Mizz Biloba!
Perfect for Spring -
She is a positive force in the universe that exudes JOY and helps you remember the good!
The Ginko tree is one of my favorites in existence! This tree has survived on earth for millions of years!
When I was in my twenties, I lived in a condo in Atlanta GA, in which my window looked right out at a Ginko tree. The leaves turn a bright yellow and all fall off at once. It's a sight to behold!
Ginko Biloba leaves are full of healing energy. Ground up in a capsule, or steeped for tea, Ginko is amazing for cognitive function, particularly memory.
They symbolize longevity, resilience, hope and rejuvenation.
The original work I created (pictured) has her permanent home. I used real Ginko leaves in it's creation, lending something a little extra special! Thankfully, she translates well as a print, and a host of functional items in my online shop :)
With the print, she will also animate!
I created an augmented reality video to accompany this vibrant creation! You can try it out here if you are viewing this on a laptop or desktop.
All you have to do is:
1. Download the FREE app: ARTIVIVE (you need thisto view the AR videos) The app is free and doesn’t require you to sign up with any personal info. 
2. Open the app. (The first time you do it will ask you for permission to access your phone’s camera and microphone – allow it to do that.)
3. Hold your phone up to the artwork – the video should play! Some have music too - so turn up the volume on your phone if you want to hear the music.